Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Can't sleep.

It's 12:45 pm, and I can't sleep. I work at 7:30, which gives me roughly 6 hours of potential sleep time. Fortunately, I know what's keeping me up. As the last few drops of college come toward my sweet lips, I have never felt more overwhelmed in my entire life. I mean I credit myself as being the type to 'roll with the punches' and take it easy, but the end of this semester is really getting out of hand.

The problem comes from the simple number of times I wil
l be evaluated on my performance in the next short few weeks.

  • The biggest challenge is in the form of the Comprehensive ATI. This is the culmination of every sub-specialty studied in nursing, combined into one juggernaut test. The goal is a score of 75.3% or better, which indicates a 95% predicted probability of passing NCLEX. The thing that is so difficult for this exam is after working in the 'real-world' in my capstone, it is very difficult to return to the black and white, textbook way of looking at every situation. If I don't pass the exam on the first shot, there is one retake, and if I still don't pass, then I must take an incomplete and take a Kaplan-type review course ($400, paid by yours truly).
  • The next hurdle is the oral comprehensive--- You are led into a room with a row of nursing school faculty, and you are seated in a lonely chair as they give you a clinical situation, and you are evaluated on your responses. Luckily, I have been blessed with the gift of gab, so I intend on wooing the socks off everyone listening.
  • Maternal/Child ATI exams- placed oh so conveniently directly before pub crawl. These tests matter much less, but they still have an impact on my final grade.
  • Clinical- If I can get through this rotation aneurysm-free from not being able to give medication or very few clinical skills, it WILL be a miracle.
  • Maternal/Child Final exam- meh.
  • NCLEX-yeah, I hear it sucks.
  • Life- Moving out of Portland, finding a job, and readjusting to a new chapter in life, no big deal, right?
All of this is going down at a time, when Senioritis is particularly strong, and I really want to be enjoying the last bit of time with all the people I have taken 4 years getting to know. I have been amazed simply in the number of people who have come/are planning to visit in the next few weeks. I hope to maintain my good-natured humor as I try and really savor the time I have with special people.

Ok, I'm feeling better now, thanks for listening Internet!


MDBryant said...

where the whole julia without pants situation?? I want to read about THAT!

Kristin said...

The internet really is the best at listening.

And the fact of the matter remains that these things don't ever NOT work out...right? Study on, Schickle!