Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Almost there.

Yeah, that's a lot of nurses. . . Imagine the nursing care if someone passed out.

Graduation is T-minus 5 days. Five days until I'm done with my undergraduate career. And even though the job market sucks, and finances could be better, I am definitely taken back to the last day of school scene from Dazed and Confused.

I mean what is better than the last day of school? I mean, other than this.

I'm also planning on living in downtown Portland in the beautiful Broadway PSU dorm. Could there be anything better than a Summer in the City? There is Saturday Market, Powell's, the Waterfront, food, shops, shows, Flugtag. All of these right outside my front door. I will finally experience downtown Portland without the hassle of coming from NoPo and the associated hassle of parking, meters, and traffic. One of the best things I've seen was the Gay Pride Parade, I had no plans of attending, just happened to be downtown. There were queens, fetishists, and bull dykes, and I can't wait to see even more. Oh, I will have my finger on your pulse Portland, I commit to fully exploring your oddities.

Also, I will finally have the time to deepen the relationships with people I love. I have come to realize spending so much time at UP, has me far too focused on my career. I've never had a problem focusing on my personal life, and its time to make that a priority. I guess that's a pretty Gen Y statement, but a job is a means to an end and a job will never compare to the joy of loading up the hippie bus for Country Fair, or the excitement of seeing a child's face on arriving at camp.

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